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Find Out If You Can Defeat Your Hair Fall With The Help Of PRP?

Life is too short of having dull hair. Your hair gives you your personality, of course, besides other stuff! But your hair does its job in this context. Are you frustrated with your hair fall problem?

Today is your lucky day as you will find out some of the best treatments to get rid of your hair loss. PRP vs. Propecia is one common argument in this context as they are some of the popular solutions.

PRP stands for Plasma Rich Plasma, a treatment done using your blood. Propecia and Minoxidil are medicines your doctor might prescribe in such situations. They help prevent hair loss.

But which one should you go for? Stick along, and let’s get busy figuring out the best solution for you.

Hair Loss-Behind The Scene

Before we get rid of the hair loss problem, let’s do some background research. There are several reasons why you are having hair trouble.

In medical terms, doctors refer to this problem as Alopecia. It can result from hormonal changes, scalp problems, stress, or other medical conditions. It is pretty common, but men face this problem the most.

Generally, men face baldness due to hereditary hair loss. Genetic hair loss becomes one of the most common reasons for baldness as we grow up.

Some people keep their hair loss untreated. Some also hide the problem using hairstyles, makeup, or headwear. But if you are tired of these, you can find ways of treatment.

What Is Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)?

PRP therapy has become quite popular against this hair fall problem you are frustrated about. This treatment has a remarkable success rate in regrowing the lost hair with minimal side effects.

PRP treatment uses the injection of the patient’s plasma to the affected places. It increases the growth factor and amplifies the regrowth of the hair.

Platelet-rich plasma consists of the plasma, the liquid portion of your blood, and the platelets. The platelets are the blood cells that increase your healing by stimulating your body’s cells.

They are very good at clotting and amplifying cell regeneration. To simply say, platelet-rich blood is the type of blood that contains more than normal platelets. But are they found naturally?

PRP Vs. Propecia Vs. Minoxidil

How does PRP Work?

PRP injections are made directly from the patient’s blood. If you go for the PRP treatment, your doctor will start taking your blood sample. Clinicians will do further processing with your blood.

The clinicians use a centrifuge machine to spin your blood super fast to separate the plasma and platelets in the lab. The physician then uses these platelets for the injection.

These platelets go inside your body and release growth factors. As a result, the body is stimulated, and the number of reparative cells that your body produces increases dramatically.

So, in case of a hair loss issue, your doctor would take your blood to make the injection for you. Then the platelet-rich plasma will be injected into your scalp. The plasma will stimulate the stem cells and boost the regrowth of your hair.

What Is Finasteride – Propecia?

Finasteride is an FDA-approved prescription medication that helps treat androgenetic alopecia or male pattern baldness. It’s available in the drug store with the brand name Propecia, which doctors usually prescribe for hair loss treatment.

Finasteride works by decreasing the dihydrotestosterone (DHT) hormone in your body – famous for causing a larger prostate. As a result, your prostate stops getting larger.

In addition, finasteride has proven its power in increasing hair growth and decreasing hair loss.

DHT plays a crucial role in male pattern baldness. If you have hereditary hair loss, DHT can attach to receptors in your hair follicles, causing them to miniaturize, resulting in a gradual loss of hair around your hairline, crown, or across your scalp.

Intaking finasteride significantly decreases the amount of DHT in your bloodstream and shields your hair follicles from DHT-related damage. As a result, your hair loss slows down, and hair growth increases.

Finasteride comes in tablet form that you have to take daily. Doctors usually prescribe 1mg per day to treat hair loss.

However, intaking finasteride may cause several life-affecting side effects that include-

  • Low libido
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Painful testicles
  • Difficulty in ejaculation
  • depression

PRP Vs. Propecia

Unlike the PRP injections, Propecia requires oral intake for use. Propecia is for adult men only. Women and children are not recommended to take the medication.

Whereas PRP treatment works by increasing the growth factor, Propecia decreases the Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) hormone. The decrease in DHT increases hair growth and reduces hair loss.

Treatment with Propecia is a continuous method. Your doctor would suggest you take medicine once every day to get the full benefits.

After starting the medication, it would take about three months to notice the change. To keep your hair loss at its knees, you must regularly take medicine.

If you stop taking medicine, the boost in your hair growth generally reduces within 12 months.

What Is Minoxidil?

Minoxidil is yet another weapon against the pesky hair loss problem. Its solution and foam are used to treat male pattern baldness. Two percent minoxidil and foam are also used to amplify hair growth for females with thinning hair.

You will need to clean and dry your scalp before using the medication. You have to part the area of hair thinning and then apply the drug to the scalp.

Wait for it to dry before you apply any other hair products or decide to go to bed.

Your doctor would recommend you not to use the medicine in areas where the skin is red, irritated, or infected. The medication can result in severe side effects if the skin absorbs it in such an application.

To get the total result of hair regrowth, you will need to take the medication regularly. It would take around 4 months to notice the full benefits. If you don’t see any improvement, do consult your doctor.

PRP Vs. Minoxidil Vs. Finasteride

Are you confused about PRP vs. minoxidil vs. finasteride? Which one should you go for with the most benefits and the minor side effects?

Well, all the stated medications are beneficial with the most negligible side effects if you follow the proper guidelines. However, there is another effective way of usage.

However, can PRP work alone better? Or combined with minoxidil or finasteride will magnify its power?

PRP And Minoxidil Combination

In recent times, PRP and minoxidil combination has proven highly useful against hair loss problems. Generally, PRP alone or minoxidil alone are quite similarly effective in regrowing your hair. But among the two, PRP does its job faster than minoxidil.

Using the combination of these two is found to be very effective. One study also suggested that platelet-rich plasma combined with a five percent minoxidil solution was a superior treatment for hair loss.

Besides, as PRP uses your blood, it has the minimum side effects. However, on the other hand, Minoxidil can be harmful if you use it on infected, irritated, or worn-out skin.

So, before taking your PRP, you must stop using the minoxidil 3 days before the therapy. After taking the PRP injection, your skin might show minor side effects like itching and irritation.

These are very mild and rare, however. Here, at Beverly Hills PRP Treatment Clinic, you will get the best service for PRP treatment with the slightest possibility of any side effects.

After taking the PRP injections, your doctor would suggest you pause the minoxidil for 3 days. After that, you can continue with the medication and get the best hair regrowth results.

PRP and Finasteride Combination

PRP and finasteride combination shows improvement in boosting hair regrowth. People with hair loss problems were given PRP with finasteride 1mg for 6 months. There was a significant improvement in mean hair count, hair density, and terminal density.

However, the study also showed that PRP with minoxidil showed a more remarkable improvement than PRP with finasteride.

Final Words

Hair loss problems can be very frustrating in today’s world. Due to genetic reasons, stress, other medication, or even pollution. But there are ways to treat the issue.

PRP vs. Propecia vs. minoxidil – now you know which one can help you most. If you still have a dilemma choosing the suitable one, Beverly Hills PRP Treatment Clinic offers you proper guidance and the best PRP treatment you can have to fight hair loss.

However, taking treatment will not help you all the way to fight against hair fall. You must maintain a healthy living and take care of your beautiful hair.

All You Need To Know About ECM PRP Injection For Hair Regeneration

Blonde, brunette, or raven – Your hair has its signature.

Hair on your head enhances your appearance, confidence, and self-esteem. However, imagine that your hair falls like leaves in winter, causing thinning and balding hair. This condition is disheartening, disturbing, and life-affecting. However, there’s a simple solution to your problem.

Extra Cellular Matrix and Platelet-Rich Plasma injection, aka ACell ECM PRP injections, are the state-of-the-art method to regenerate your hair. This popular non-surgical and non-invasive procedure has proven its power and potential prominently treating almost every type of hair loss problem.

If you want to know more about ECM PRP, stay with us.

What Is PRP?

Platelet-Rich Plasma is a modern treatment where the physicians use your blood to collect platelet to enhance your recovery power. It usually contains two essential elements from – platelet and plasma – isolated from other components of your blood.

In the injections, you get extra platelets that boost your healing power thousands of times. These platelets contain hundreds of proteins and growth factors, playing a crucial part in healing and cell regeneration.

Doctors usually collect your blood to make your PRP serum. The blood is then put into a centrifuge that spins speedily, separating platelets from other components of blood – red blood cells, white blood cells, etc.

Your health care provider collects the serum with injections and injects it back into your body – especially in the wounded and affected area.

The procedure is short and simple, and you can go back to your regular life soon.

ACell ECM PRP Injection for Hair Regeneration

What Is Extracellular Matrix?

The extracellular matrix, aka ECM, is the non-cellular component, providing essential biological scaffolding for cellular constituents. It is present within all cells, tissues, and organs of your body, initiating biochemical and biomechanical columns or support for tissues. It’s primarily essential for tissue morphogenesis, differentiation, and homeostasis.

Usually, the extracellular matrix enables cells to bind together. It also regulates several cellular functions – adhesion, migration, proliferation, and differentiation. In short, ECM is crucial for deciding the fate and action of every surrounding cell.

What Is Acell Extracellular Matrix?

ACell is the FDA-approved ECM that doctors use to treat hair loss. It is usually a kind of powdered protein that ensues naturally. This animal-derived Extracellular Matrix (ECM) tissue-regenerating technology helps stimulate stem cells and improve wound healing.

Is ACell safe for you? All cells and muscle tissues are removed from it during the manufacturing process, preventing allergic reactions. After the sterilization process, they’re 100% safe for you.

Moreover, the chemical structure is similar to human tissues, cells, and organs.

ACell is a “bio-scaffold” that has regenerating properties and helps the body heal without excessive scarring. Mixing with PRP, ACell strengthens miniaturized follicles, triggering hair growth.

How ACell ECM PRP Injection Regenerate Your Hair?

One pretty common question is how Acell ECM+PRP injections work – especially in restoring your hair growth. To understand that, you need to focus on the components separately and what they are capable of.

The Extracellular Matrix comprises wound healing materials, increasing your scalp circulation. In addition, it helps stimulate adult stem cells. These features gradually trigger healthy hair growth, restoring hair in the thinning area.

On the other hand, platelet-rich plasma helps promote your natural healing process and cellular growth. In addition, the growth factors stimulate the dermal papilla cells, which a vital for your hair growth. They repair the affected hair follicles and trigger hair growth in multiple.

Now, imagine what these two powerful hair regenerating factors can do together.

The ACell ECM mixed with PRP signals the dormant hair follicles cells and revitalized their presence and action. With boosting tissue regeneration mechanisms, your miniaturized hair follicles become healthier and thicker.

ECM and PRP – undoubtedly, a match made in heaven – provide you a vigorous hair growth with enhanced texture and quality.

Who Can Benefit From ECM PRP Treatment?

PRP combined with ECM works effectively restoring your hair. However, who can benefit most from the treatment? Let’s check-

  • People with hereditary hair loss – over 18 years
  • Also, those who don’t prefer or can’t undergo the surgical method or hair transplantation
  • People with early hair loss issues or thinning hair
  • People with donor scar appearance – often from previous surgery
  • Enhancing the healing and hair growth result for people who had hair transplantation
  • Alopecia Areata
  • Hypotrichosis
  • Male or female pattern baldness

The Procedure Of Acell ECM PRP Injection

The ECM PRP injections procedure starts with collecting your blood sample. The process is similar to the usual blood drawing for any lab test. The collected blood is then put into a high-speed spinner, a centrifuge that isolates platelet-rich plasma from other blood components.

Your healthcare giver then mixes ACell powder with isolated PRP solution, and your ECM PRP injection is ready.

While the doctor prepares your ACell ECM PRP solution, the topical anesthetic will complete with its ask of numbing your scalp. Usually, doctors apply an anesthetic 30 to 45 minutes before the procedure so that your scalp is nicely numb.

Doctors then inject the injection into your entire numbed scalp, especially in the affected area where your hair is thinning more.

After administering the necessary solution to your scalp, your healthcare provider will gently massage the scalp. It ensures the even distribution of the solution in your entire scalp.

He will also advise you not to wash your scalp for 18 to 24 hours for proper absorption. After that, you can wash your hair as usual.

The whole procedure usually takes less than an hour without demanding any wounds, stitches, staples, or dressing.

You can see significant hair growth changes with a single ECM PRP injection. However, a series of PRP procedures mixed with ACell powder can maximize your hair growth immensely.

ECM PRP Injections: The Downtime

ACell ECM combined with PRP treatment is a simple procedure that takes very little of your time – about one or two hours for the entire process. That means you can easily add the appointment to your busy schedule.

The most important part of this treatment is the minimal downtime. You can expect a short-lasted inflammation and redness- that’s it.

For a moderate situation, you may encounter scalp discomfort and swell in the forehead that usually goes on their own after a few days. However, follow your doctor’s suggestion to give your body enough time to recover fully.

ACell ECM PRP Injection For Hair Loss: The Result

ACell ECM PRP hair regeneration injections start working immediately after the procedure. You can see the desired result about 4 to 8 months after the process. The best thing is that your hair growth cycle continues for 12 to 18 months.

Within a year, you will notice a remarkable improvement in your hair growth – thicker, denser, and healthier.

You may ask, how long will the result last? The effect of the treatment usually lasts for several months, even years. However, it varies in different people, depending on the hair condition.

RCM PRP Treatment: Aftercare

To ensure the optimum result of ECM PRP treatment, you must follow the instruction given by your doctor. These aftercare instructions include-

  • Avoiding touching or rubbing the treated place
  • Avoid using any hair products at least 6 hours after the process
  • Avoiding intaking any anti-inflammatory for two weeks after the treatment
  • Avoiding sun and heat exposure for at least two days
  • Eating nutritious food
  • Increasing water intake
  • Avoiding smoking and alcohol for at least two days
  • Avoiding heavy exercise for twenty-four hours

ECM PRP Injection: The Maintenance

Maintaining your hair growth after the ECM PRP treatment is crucial to ensure healthier hair. Usually, it would be best to have the maintenance treatment once a year. However, doctors recommend a follow-up session every three months for a complete hair growth improvement evaluation.

The maintenance session helps the doctor determine the necessity of additional booster therapy. Usually, the regular follow-up session help maintains continuous hair growth, lasting for about 1 to 2 years.

The Benefits Of ECM PRP Injection For Hair Regeneration

The benefits of Acell ECM PRP injection are enormous. This invasive, painless treatment ensures hair growth with healthier texture and quality in a short time., with minimum side effects and cost.

The advantages of ECM PRP include-

  • Cost-effective non-surgical procedure
  • An in-office procedure involving no sedation, scarring, and extended healing time
  • A safe procedure as it uses platelet from your blood
  • Sustainable result – even with a single treatment once a year

ACell PRP Cost For Hair Regeneration

The cost of ACell ECM PRP hair regeneration treatment depends on your hair – the area of the affected area.

Usually, each treatment cost around $2,000 to $2,500 in most clinics.

Bottom Line

ACell ECM PRP injection is an effective treatment to prevent hair loss, thinning, and baldness. This invasive, painless treatment remarkably improves your hair’s quality, texture, and thickness in the shortest time.

Contact Dr. David Nazarian at PRP Treatment, Beverly Hills, for a time and cost-worthy treatment for hair regeneration. He is an efficient, reliable, and dedicated physician with comprehensive training in PRP treatment. He will plan a perfect treatment focusing on your condition to ensure quick and complete hair restoration.