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PRP Facial Near Me: All You Need To Know

Did it ever cross your mind how enchanting celebrities never seem to be aging – the Eternals with forever young, fresh, and glowy skin? Have you ever dreamed of having such glamorous and gorgeous skin like those celebrities?

Well, dreams can come true if you know where to put effort and attention.

PRP facial treatment is the future of skincare remedy; worthy of your time, effort, and attention.

Don’t be spooked hearing its another name, *“Vampire Facial”; the result is incredible. PRP has proven its worth by improving your complexion and skin texture, stimulating your new cell growth.

Therefore, dropping dilemmas, put your attention and explore with me: “PRP facial near me.”

What Is PRP?

Platelet-rich plasma, aka PRP, is an advanced non-surgical procedure that enhances your tissue regeneration and healing power.

Platelets are a crucial component in your blood – your body’s first line of defense. They are the first to arrive in your injured area when you are injured, initiating the healing process.

Now imagine what will happen if you increase platelets in your body? – boosting cell growth and healing power. PRP therapy does the exact thing; it increases the concentrations of platelet-rich plasma in your body

PRP therapy includes withdrawing a small portion of your blood that the doctor spins into a centrifuge speedily. The fast-spinning separates the components of your blood from where your doctor extracts the PRP into a different container.

After preparing your PRP, your doctor injects the serum into the body, in your affected area. This procedure encourages your body’s tissue regeneration and healing mechanism that previously stopped responding.

Consult for PRP Therapy with M.D. $450 
Apply Fee For Consult To Treatment Package 
Order of labs & imaging 
  • PRP Therapy Promotion Including Consult $1000 
  • Package Of 3 PRP Therapy Sessions, Includes Consultation +$2,700.00
  • 15 year experience providing PRP therapies 
  • 4 tubes of PRP used, Over 10 to 15 cc of PRP obtained 
  • 4 mixture numbing cream  
  • 6 injectors used for hair treatments
  • 15+ Years Experience 
PRP Treatment & Therapy Specialist Beverly Hills - David Nazarian

What Is PRP Facial Treatment?

PRP Facial Near Me

Age, stress, hormones, and environmental situation all leave marks on you, especially your facial skin. Your skin loses elasticity, gets lines and wrinkles, and becomes dull and aged.

PRP facial therapy is a non-invasive method, natural and safe, that can restore the health, youth, and glow of your skin.

PRP facial involves micro-needling and injecting the PRP on your face that doctors collect from your blood. The injected PRP stimulates collagen and elastin production. As a result, your wrinkled area becomes tighter, smoother, and plumper. The procedure also removes all the blemishes of your skin.

Few undergo just one facial, whereas many opt for regular PRP facial treatments. However, the more frequent you get a PRP facial, the more long-lasting the result is. Usually, each treatment lasts about three to six months.

PRP Treatment, Beverly Hills, believes in a gentle and natural approach with PRP facial therapy, ensuring the safest way to rejuvenate the lost youth of your facial skin.

When Do You Need PRP Facial?

Many ask how to determine the necessity of considering PRP facial rejuvenation? To simply put, when any skin issue makes you look aged before you are aged, you may consider PRP facial your remedy.

Several conditions can make your skin lose its youth, brightness, tightness, and health that PRP can restore. These issues include-

  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Acne scars
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Sagging skin
  • Dark under-eye circle
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Excessive dry skin
  • Rosacea
  • Dull and aged skin
  • Sun damage
  • Obtrusive pores

PRP Facial Near Me: The Procedure

Many often consider PRP facial a painful and bloody procedure. However, it’s not true. Instead, PRP facial treatment is a painless procedure, providing your skin with a natural glow, health, and youth.

Let’s take a quick look at the PRP facial rejuvenation procedure.


PRP facial preparation starts with preparing your PRP serum.

  • A medical team, at first, collects your blood sample, just in a tiny amount, typically from your arm. 
  • Now, they put your blood into a specialized centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma from other components of blood.
  • The doctor will spread a topical cream to numb your facial skin during the process.


Microneedling is a crucial part of PRP facial that allows the chemical to reach the core of your condition.

  • Now, when the numbing cream takes effect, the medical provider uses a micro-needling device to prick the skin of your forehead, cheeks, and other face parts.
  • Micro-needling helps stimulate collagen production and ensures PRP serum penetrates deep into your skin.


Now is the time for PRP.

  • Your doctor will spread the concentrated Platelet-rich plasma in the affected area and massage it all over the skin.
  • For deep lines, your physician may use fillers or Botox. It helps manage small wrinkles and less-volumed skin.
  • The entire procedure is painless that requires an hour.
  • PRP professionals recommend undergoing three treatments four to six weeks apart to get maximum results.

What Can You Expect With PRP Facial: The Result

PRP facial therapy works like magic and bores outstanding results. However, it would be best to remember that every treatment takes time; you may not see the result overnight.

PRP starts working straight away, stimulating the stem cells, gradually bringing the desired results.

After the treatments, it takes about three months to reproduce most collagen. You can notice the visible changes and development after several weeks, usually appearing in the first month of the treatment.

You can notice the restoration of youthfulness in your skin – tighter and plumper with lesser wrinkles and lines. This change and improvement continue for three to six months even after the last treatment, and the effect lasts for several months to years.

However, many opt for PRP facial several times per year to maintain the effect of the anti-aging spell. Doctors also recommend planning a maintenance session at the end of your treatment year to sustain it longer.

PRP Facial Before And After

PRP facial is a painless, non-invasive treatment for skin rejuvenation. However, it would help you pay extra attention to preparation and PRP facial aftercare to get the optimum result.

PRP Facial Prior-preparation

Prior preparation is crucial with PRP facial therapy if you want maximum results. Therefore, you need to follow several instructions that include-

  • Avoid waxing or laser for 48 hours before the procedure
  • Avoid skincare products containing vitamin A, glycolic, or any resurfacing ingredients for seven days before the procedure
  • Also, avoid anti-inflammatories, ibuprofen, aspirin, etc., for a few days
  • Use only the recommended skincare products to prepare the skin for the procedure
  • Avoid alcohol at least 48 hours before the treatment

PRP Facial Aftercare

Every treatment requires aftercare to avoid complications and make the best use of the treatment. Same with PRP facial.

Usually, after PRP facial rejuvenation therapy, you may experience some redness and irritation that usually resolves within four to six days. Therefore, for a smooth recovery and to achieve and sustain the results, your doctor may suggest several precautions, including-

  • Do not wash your face for 5 hours
  • Avoid scrubbing the injection site for at least 4 hours
  • Wash your face with a mild cleanser or cleanser recommended by your physician once or twice daily for a few days
  • Avoid exposure to direct heat – blow dryer, sun, sauna, steam room, scorching shower – for 24 hours
  • Use SPF 30 sunblock until your face heals
  • Avoid make up for at least 24 hours
  • Avoid heavy workload for a day or two

PRP Facial Benefits

You may ask, does PRP facial worth it? The benefits that PRP facial therapy offers are extraordinary and life-changing. The procedure is painless and straightforward, causes no minimum risks, and rejuvenates your skin with a youthful glow – plumper, fuller, smoother, and healthier.

However, the most extraordinary aspect of PRP is that it’s fit for almost everyone as it uses your blood to get the platelet-rich plasma.

Let’s check all the benefits PRP facial serves you.

  • Increases collagen production that usually drops after you reach 25 years
  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
  • It helps you get tighter and firmer skin
  • Enhances moisture retention
  • Improves skin tone and texture
  • Decreases the appearance of keloid scars
  • Painless and non-invasive procedure
  • Quick and long-lasting
  • The all-natural skin rejuvenation process

PRP Facial Side Effects

As PRP uses your blood, risks and side effects are unlikely. You can be sure of not having any allergic reaction. However, you may face some mild side effects after the procedure that includes-

  • Temporary bruising
  • Redness and swelling at the injection site
  • Irritation and itching at the injection site

PRP Facial Cost

The cost of PRP facial treatment is affordable – around $1000. You may need several treatments. However, it’s recommended to perform PRP treatment once a month.

Take Away

PRP facial treatment is an enchanting way to bring back the charm of your skin. This non-invasive and painless procedure makes your skin plumper, smoother, and tighter with a youthful glow and beauty.

However, are you still searching for a “PRP facial near me?” PRP Treatment, Beverly Hills is your premier destination, in that case, providing the latest PRP treatments and microneedling procedures for facial rejuvenation. The facility offers utmost care and professional care with significant improvement within the first month.

Therefore, pick up your phone and schedule a day with PRP Treatment, Beverly Hills.

* Vampire Facial & * Vampire Facelift are a trademark of Dr. Charles Runels, this page is for informational purposes only. We do not perform the vampire facial or vampire facial but provide a similar prp therapy aimed for facial rejuvenation.

PRP For Hair Loss Near Me

Long, thick, healthy hair is the dream of everyone. However, the world stops; the moment becomes silent and scary, and life turns into a painful struggle when you find tufts of hair in your brush every time you comb your hair. Worst of all – your hair is not growing like before – thick and full.

Hair loss is a common condition both men and women can encounter. It often becomes the reason for your embarrassment, poor self-esteem, poor confidence, and a vast amount of self-consciousness.

However, the cutting-edge treatment, platelet-rich plasma therapy, has shown a great result in restoring and improving your hair thickness and quality.

If “PRP for hair loss near me” is your searching topic, too, you are in the right place to get all your answers.

What Is Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)?

Platelet-rich plasma therapy is a modern days treatment that is gaining popularity rapidly. It uses your blood to get platelet-rich plasma that multiplies the power of your immunity and growth.

However, to fully comprehend the work of PRP, you need to know the importance of platelet in your body.

Your blood contains several components – red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, and platelets.

When you encounter any cut or wound, platelets are the first to respond and reach the affected area to help you. They promptly and efficiently stop bleeding and start healing your wound without wasting time.

Now, what PRP does. It extracts concentrated platelets from your blood, boosting your healing process a thousand times.

The physician collects your blood samples to produce your PRP serum. As it’s your blood, the procedure contains minimal or no risks.

The physician then puts your blood sample into a machine, centrifuge, that spins at a superb speed and separates your blood’s components. The physician, after this procedure, extracts the isolated platelet-rich plasma and injects the serum back into your body.

Platelets in PRP contain many proteins and growth factors that accelerate your tissue renovation.

In short, PRP is a straightforward, painless, and precise method to promote your healing process.

What Is PRP For Hair Loss Therapy?

PRP For Hair Loss Near Me

Thickening hair, baldness, hair fall, however common issue, can be frustrating, embarrassing, and struggling.

You would be amazed to know that one in five US citizens lose experience massive hair fall. Moreover, only in the US, around eighty million people are enduring hereditary hair falls. Often underlying medical conditions can cause your hair to fall too.

PRP for hair loss is a proven way to promote your hair growth. It’s a three-step treatment that includes your blood collection, processing into PRP serum, and re-injecting into your scalp.

The platelet’s growth factors and special protein speed up your tissue repair. Besides, it triggers your natural hair growth by increasing blood supply to the hair follicles that reverse the process of damaged follicles in androgenetic alopecia.

Being an invasive, painless, and less-risky way, PRP has become a primary treatment choice for hair rehabilitation, enhancing hair thickness, and decreasing hair shedding.

What Are The Causes of Hair Loss

Knowing the root of your issue is the first step to treating your condition. Therefore, before we explore how PRP rejuvenates your hair, let’s see what makes your hair loss.


One primary reason for hair loss is genes – a hereditary condition. Another name of genetic hair loss is androgenic alopecia, which causes men and women.

If genes are the reason for your hair loss, your hair follicles shrink, stopping hair growth. You may encounter shrinking during teens; however, the actual hair loss becomes visible with age.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder when your immune system attacks your hair follicles. As a result, you suffer massive, unpredictable, and patchy hair loss.

One intriguing fact about Alopecia Areata is that you don’t lose hair from your scalp. Instead, your hair may start losing from any part of your body – ears, inside your nose, eyelashes, or eyebrows.

Childbirth and Stressors

Stressors are a sumptuous seed of hair loss issues. Pregnancy, childbirth, post-pregnancy: the entire period is a significant life stressor. Many women notice excess hair loss during this time.

Other stressors include family tension, traumas, death, divorce, professional stress, etc.

Hair Care And Hairstyle

Excess of anything is bad – so is excessive hairstyling and hair care treatment. Perm, color, tieing your hair tight in pigtails or bun, even excessive hot-oil-treatment can cause damage to your scalp and hair. As a result, hair loss.

Other Medical Conditions

An underlying medical condition can be the reason for your hair loss too. Several medical issues like a thyroid condition, hormonal imbalance, bowel diseases, radiation or chemotherapy in treating cancer, etc., can lead to excessive hair loss.

Consult for PRP Therapy with M.D. $450 
Apply Fee For Consult To Treatment Package 
Order of labs & imaging 
  • PRP Therapy Promotion Including Consult $1000 
  • Package Of 3 PRP Therapy Sessions, Includes Consultation +$2,700.00
  • 15 year experience providing PRP therapies 
  • 4 tubes of PRP used, Over 10 to 15 cc of PRP obtained 
  • 4 mixture numbing cream  
  • 6 injectors used for hair treatments
  • 15+ Years Experience 
PRP Treatment & Therapy Specialist Beverly Hills - David Nazarian

How Does PRP For Hair Loss Therapy Solve Rejuvenate Your Hair?

Platelet-rich plasma hair restoration therapy has shown effective results to people suffering from hair loss. It develops hair thickness, enhances growth grades, and increases the number of hair.

The million-dollar question is, how does PRP rejuvenate your hair?

The primary function of platelet-rich plasma is to promote your new cellular growth naturally and boost your natural healing power. The growth factors of platelets influence hair growth and fix damaged hair follicles. In addition, it improves the texture and quality of your hair – a great look and feel.

Usually, physicians inject the PRP injections into the area of your head with thinning hair. Especially the crown or frontal part of your head. The platelets discharge growth factors when your physician injects PRP into the affected area.

These growth factors stimulate the dermal papilla cells – a crucial cell for your hair growth. The result- your lost hair returns to you, covering your head with full, thick, and beautiful hair by triggering the hair growth.

PRP For Hair Loss Procedure and How it Differ from Others

PRP for hair loss treatment is a three-step procedure that starts with a physician’s appointment. The treatment usually requires three treatments or sessions 4 to 6 weeks apart and the maintenance treatment every 4 to 6 months.

Let’s have a detailed discussion about the three-step procedure of PRP hair loss.

Step One: Consultation and Collection

Your first step at PRP hair loss is medical consultation. Your physician will perform a physical examination, study your medical history, and evaluate you as a good candidate for the therapy.

After the consultation, the physician extracts a tiny portion of your blood from your arm on the procedure day. He then puts the blood into a specialized centrifuge to isolate and concentrate PRP.

While he makes the serum, he will apply numbing cream in the affected area to numb the scalp.

PRP For Hair Loss Procedure

Step Two: Spinning and Separation

Now is the time for the rapid spinning of a centrifuge to separate your blood components. Usually, it takes the centrifuge about ten minutes to separate the blood into three layers-

  • Red blood cells
  • Platelet-poor plasma
  • Platelet-rich plasma

Step Three: Obtaining and Injection PRP

Finally, the injection time.

After the separation process, the professionals use a syringe to draw out the isolated platelet-rich plasma. Then, he injects the PRP serum into the selected or affected area of your numb scalp.

The injected serum starts its action immediately and stimulates the dormant hair follicles that increase your hair growth.

Are you still searching for “PRP for hair loss near me?” PRP Treatment, Beverly Hills is your desired treatment center. The professionals are ready to give you the best experience focusing on your requirements.

Consult for PRP Therapy with M.D. $450 
Apply Fee For Consult To Treatment Package 
Order of labs & imaging 
  • PRP Therapy Promotion Including Consult $1000 
  • Package Of 3 PRP Therapy Sessions, Includes Consultation +$2,700.00
  • 15 year experience providing PRP therapies 
  • 4 tubes of PRP used, Over 10 to 15 cc of PRP obtained 
  • 4 mixture numbing cream  
  • 6 injectors used for hair treatments
  • 15+ Years Experience 
PRP Treatment & Therapy Specialist Beverly Hills - David Nazarian

PRP For Hair Loss Before and After

PRP for hair loss usually doesn’t require any special preparation – just like a usual doctor’s appointment. Even better, after-procedure is also less-complicated.

Before the procedure, your physician will suggest you maintain some precautions for maximum effectiveness of PRP. the precautions include-

  • Avoid anti-inflammatory like Ibuprofen, Advil, etc., as they may inhibit the effectiveness of PRP.
  • Avoiding coloring or dyeing your hair
  • Avoid alcohol, smoking, and caffeine
  • Avoid rigorous exercise
  • Increase water intake
  • Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo to keep your scalp clean

The entire procedure usually takes less than an hour and doesn’t involve downtime. You can go back to your routine just after the treatment.

However, after the procedure, your doctor will give some instructions that you need to follow for maximum results.

  • Avoid touching, rubbing, or pressing the treated area.
  • Avoid using any hair products at least for 6 hours after the procedure.
  • Also, avoid taking any anti-inflammatory for two weeks after the treatment.
  • Avoid sun and heat exposure for at least two days.
  • Eat nutritious food and increase water intake.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol for at least two days.
  • Do not do heavy exercise for twenty-four hours.

PRP For Hair Loss: Results

The effectiveness and results depend on your hair condition. There are several factors to consider with your treatment and desired outcomes.

  • Your body’s response to the treatment
  • The concentration or amount of platelets, growth factors, and healing components in the blood
  • Number of dormant follicles

Usually, most patients notice an improvement in hair growth and thickness a few weeks after treatment. However, you may have to wait around five to six months after the therapy to see the optimum results.

How Often To Do PRP For Hair Loss?

PRP for hair loss treatment depends on your hair condition and your desired destination or goal. Usually, a patient with a hair loss problem needs three sessions of PRP treatment – usually four to six weeks apart.

Physicians usually decide about further treatment for hair loss after the end of the fourth month, evaluating your condition.

In addition, to maintain the optimum result of your hair growth, doctors usually recommend a single effective session of PRP therapy every four to six months.

PRP VS. Stem Cell Therapy For Hair

PRP and stem cell therapy work effectively against hair loss, stimulating your body’s repair response. However, there are some differences between the two methods.

  • PRP serum originates from your blood. On the contrary, stem cell therapy includes obtaining the requirements from unviable embryos and foeti produced in laboratories from mice hair and green apples.
  • PRP treatment has no compatibility issue as it involves platelets and plasma from your blood. However, stem cells can cause compatibility issue as it doesn’t involve component from your body.
  • The concentration and quality of platelets in the PRP serum remain in optimum amount as PRP for hair loss treatment involves injecting the serum immediately after the centrifuge spinning and separation. However, stem cells therapy requires a specific time – longer than PRP- for extraction, transportation, and insertion. So, it may compromise the quality of growth factors.

Mesotherapy VS. PRP For Hair Loss

Mesotherapy is another effective treatment for hair rejuvenation involving superficial injections containing minoxidil, vitamins, nutrients, and growth factors.

However, how Mesotherapy is different from PRP? Let’s find out.

  • The primary difference between the two therapies is the injection place. Mesotherapy involves administering injections into the mesoderm – the middle layer of your skin. On the other hand, PRP treatment consists in administering injections on any layer of your skin that needs treatment.
  • Mesotherapy takes more time for the procedure and results than PRP – around 5 to 8 sessions, whereas PRP needs about 4 to 6.
  • PRP involves fewer or no side effects as it derives platelets from your blood. Contrarily, Mesotherapy involves some side effects as it uses superficial or customized injections.

PRP For Hair Loss Cost?

PRP for hair loss usually involves three treatments four to six weeks apart and maintenance treatments every four to six months.

The cost of the treatment depends on several factors that include-

  • Quality of kits
  • Additional nutritional elements
  • Your geographic location

Each injection usually costs about $400 or more, and the initial three treatments are approximate $1,500 – $3,500.

Many ask: is PRP for hair loss covered by insurance?

Most insurance plans take PRP for hair loss as a cosmetic treatment. Therefore, they don’t cover any cost of PRP. However, you can check with your insurance provider for PRP cost coverage.

PRP For Hair Loss Risk And Side Effects

PRP includes fewer or no side effects as it involves platelets from your blood. However rare, you may face some side effects including-

  • infection
  • Injury to nerves and blood vessels
  • Bruising, itching, redness in the injection spot
  • Headache
  • Temporary bleeding at the injection site

PRP For Hair Loss Near Me: Takeaway

PRP for hair loss treatment is an effective way to rejuvenate your hair growth. The collected platelet-rich plasma works magically, boosting your hair thickness, rapid growth, texture, and quality.

PRP for hair loss near me: if you are still searching for it, contact Dr. David Nazarian at PRP Treatment, Beverly Hills. He is an expert in PRP treatment – an efficient, reliable, and dedicated physician – who can solve your hair loss issue in the shortest time.

Where To Find PRP Under Eyes Near Me For Eye Hollows, Dark Circles, And Bags

“The eye is the jewel of the body.”

It’s been rightly said that “eyes don’t just see; they can express too” – the window to your soul. Moreover, your eyes are often the first feature people notice.

How would that be if that window gets distracted due to under-eye issues like hollows or dark circles? Now that would be a bummer, wouldn’t it?

If you are looking for the best cure for your under-eye conditions, you are in luck! Today you will get to know about PRP under eye treatment which might be the thing you need.

PRP treatment is an effective, risk-free way to get rid of baggy eyes, dark circles, and more.

So, without further ado, let’s take a detour of this fascinating PRP under eyes treatment.

What Is PRP?

Before diving deeper into PRP for under eyes, let’s understand PRP and its work.

In short, the Platelet-rich plasma or PRP is a special type of treatment that injects platelets of one’s blood. The concentrated platelet is used to heal muscles, joints, tendons, etc.

The treatment uses an injection of concentrated plasma in your very own blood. It is a colorless liquid with a high concentration of platelets. It also includes fascinating growth factors.

The platelets counter the effect of any injuries or cuts by helping with the blood clotting. They also boost cell reproduction and trigger faster regeneration.

If you need a PRP injection, your doctor would first take your blood sample. Next, the separation of the platelets begins. The clinicians will use a machine, centrifuge. It will spin super fast and separate the blood’s fluid components.

Clinicians will use the machine to separate the platelets from your very blood. The platelets will then go through a concentration process, and you will have your platelet-rich plasma.

Consult for PRP Therapy with M.D. $450 
Apply Fee For Consult To Treatment Package 
Order of labs & imaging 
  • PRP Therapy Promotion Including Consult $1000 
  • Package Of 3 PRP Therapy Sessions, Includes Consultation +$2,700.00
  • 15 year experience providing PRP therapies 
  • 4 tubes of PRP used, Over 10 to 15 cc of PRP obtained 
  • 4 mixture numbing cream  
  • 6 injectors used for hair treatments
  • 15+ Years Experience 
PRP Treatment & Therapy Specialist Beverly Hills - David Nazarian

What Is PRP for Under Eyes Treatment?

Are you tired of dealing with the bags or hollows under your eyes? Is the worry about your dark circles causing itself to increase even more? Yes, that can happen!! Guess what, we have a solution. The PRP treatment can help you in this frustrating situation.

PRP treatment uses concentrated platelets for enhanced healing. The therapy can reduce the bags and hollows under your eyes, including dark circles.

The vampire facial*  treatment uses micro-needling with PRP. It boosts the reproduction of your cells and tissues. When you use PRP under your eyes, the healing ability and the growth factor come into action.

They can make your hollows or bags disappear to make your skin fresh and lively again.

So why worry anymore? Let’s get on with PRP treatment and get rid of those pesky under-eye issues.

PRP Under Eyes Near Me

When Do You Need PRP For Under Eyes Treatment

Eyes are a crucial part of your face to capture the spotlight. However, eyes with bags, hollows, or dark circles can drop your confidence and self-esteem.

Make-up can help you a bit; however, it’s not a proper solution to this pesky situation.

Many cosmetic treatments can get rid of your troubles – yes – but PRP treatment is a fascinating substitute if you don’t want any risky or scary method.

Consider PRP if you notice the following-

  • Under eyes pigmentation
  • Eye hollows with or without dark pigmentation
  • Fine lines, wrinkles, and poor under-eye texture
  • Eye bags
  • Loss of elasticity and firmness under your eyes

Microneedling PRP can rejuvenate the tissues at the place of application. So, using it under your eyes can help eliminate the dark circles, hollows, and even bags.

All you need is a vial of your blood, and clinicians can produce the PRP for you, stimulating the skin cells to repair and regain the fresh, natural glamor of your skin.

What Causes Under Eyes Issues: Eye Hollows, Dark Circles, And Bags

Dark circles, bags, and hollows are harmless but significantly lower your confidence. However, you need to know first how they appear to treat it.

Under-eye issues primarily occur as the skin cells tissues start to get weaker. The skin cells grow older and lose their liveliness as you grow older.

Baggy Eyes

Can you see mild swelling around your eyes? It’s baggy eyes. Many reasons cause the muscles around your eyes to swell up.

As you grow older, muscles below you, your eyes start sagging. The fat in your lower eyelid also starts to go downwards, causing the area to swell up.

Sometimes you can even have them genetically. In that case, things can get a bit difficult to resolve. Bags, in this case, can be long-lasting too.

Hollow Eyes

Aging and health issues are also the reasons for hollow or sunken eyes. If you have hollow eyes, this is most probably a result of your nutrients and the quality of your healthy living.

You might face sunken eyes at some point due to-

  • Lack of vitamins
  • Dehydration
  • Lower than average sleep
  • Allergies
  • Sinuses

Dark Circles

The dark circle is another common condition – as frustrating as the others. Dark circles are usually not a sign of medical complications. Instead, the most common reason behind it is tiredness.

Other causes may include-

  • Overstress
  • Lack of sleep
  • Dehydration
  • Genetical reason

How Does PRP for Under Eyes Work?

PRP treatment is an excellent solution for your under eyes issues. If you have baggy eyes, dark circles, swollen eyes, you are very close to curing them.

As the name suggests, platelet-rich plasma treatment uses concentrated plasma. It heals tissues and cells in specific areas.

The high concentration of platelets boosts your cell regeneration. It will speed up the growth of your blood vessel under your eyes and strengthen the collagens. The result is like the effect of a magic potion that will make your skin under the eyes youthful and fresh.

If you are frustrated with your eye issue, invest some time and research PRP under eyes reviews. The result will surely motivate you to start your PRP therapy soon.

PRP Treatment, Beverly Hills is an excellent place for your under eyes treatment, PRP, Los Angeles. The doctors are highly trained and expert, providing you with your desired result in no time.

PRP Under Eyes Near Me: Preparation, Procedure, And Result

PRP under eyes treatment usually follows some steps. However, before your procedure day, you need some preparation and precaution.

Let’s learn about the preparation, procedure, and result.


Like some other treatments, PRP therapy requires you to prepare beforehand. Your doctor would suggest some limitations on your diet and medications before the treatment.

Medication such as anti-muscle swallowing and blood-thinning supplements is common to avoid before the treatment. Avoid steroid intake as well.

Also, on the day of your treatment, be sure to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated and have a full, healthy breakfast.


On the day of your treatment, the clinic will collect a vial of your blood – typically from your arm.

They will put the collected blood in the centrifuge. The device spins your blood at high speed to isolate platelet from the other components of your blood.

They will collect the platelet-rich plasma from the container and use microinjections to inject the serum under the skin of your eyes.

To get the desirable result, doctors usually suggest having three to four sessions in three to four weeks. However, the number of sessions depends on your condition and the effect after each session.


The PRP will repair your skin cells and tissues and heal the annoying eye issues. Your skin will turn good as new and full of youth.

Generally, after two days, you should see the PRP take effect, But in some cases, it can take a couple of days longer. But you will get the benefits eventually and get rid of your eye condition.

The procedure will help you get-

  • Decreasing eye hollows
  • Reducing shadow and discoloration under your eyes
  • Restored volume.

Is PRP for Under Eyes Treatment Painful?

Your doctor will use micro-needling to inject the plasma below your eyes during the PRP treatment.

Did the word “micro-needling” give you a goosebump? Well, you can stay worry-free as the process is not painful at all.

Depending on the place that needs treatment, you might feel a bit of discomfort. But, as your doctor will use a special numbing cream, you will hardly feel a prick.

PRP Under Eyes Precaution and Downtime

PRP treatment for the under eyes procedure is painless; however, you will need a bit of downtime after the treatment.

After the process, you should avoid touching the treated area for about 6 hours. Within 1 to 2 days, you should be fully ready to return to your day-to-day busy life.

However, make sure to take care of your treated skin. Wash the area gently and avoid any exposure to sunlight.

PRP Under Eyes Side Effects

PRP is safer than other cosmetic surgeries and includes fewer side effects. As PRP contains your blood, there isn’t much of a risk.

But due to the procedure of microinjection, you may face some minor after-effects such as-

  • Minor itching
  • Mild irritation
  • A bit of bruising in the treated area.

Final Words

The platelet-rich plasma treatment is an efficient way to remove under-eye issues. Using the micro-needling process, doctors inject the platelet-rich plasma into your under-eye skin so that you can regain fresh and charming skin.

However, where to get PRP under eyes near me?

PRP Treatment, Beverly Hills, is your destination to get the desired result for your eye issues. Dr. David Nazarian and his expert team will provide you with the ideal procedure, evaluating your health, history, and the condition of your affected area. The personalized plan is perfectly suitable for you, and you will get sparkling eyes capturing everyone’s heart.

So why wait any further? Get the treatment and say adios to the pesky under eyes!


* vampire facial is a trademark of Dr. Charles Runles M.D. and this is for information purposes only

PRP For Scars And Stretch Marks: Your One-Stop Skin Solution

Do you know what’s the only thing the famous fictional character, Harry Potter, likes about his appearance? The thin lightning scar on his forehead.

However, not every scar is iconic, carrying your identities. Some scars carry insecurities, indignity, and inconsolable hearts – especially those in visible places – faces, necks, arms, legs, or hands. Moreover, they can negatively affect your personal, social, and professional life.

Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy is a modern method that facilitates your natural healing process to minimize and eliminate your scars and stretch marks.

Contact PRP Treatment, Beverly Hills, to learn more about PRP for scars and stretch marks and get alluring and appealing skin.

What IS PRP?

Before exploring how PRP works to erase scars, let’s peep into PRP.

Platelet-Rich Plasma is a mixture of plasma, a colorless fluid in your blood, with a high concentration of platelets and growth factors.

Platelets are blood cells, tiny in size, that helps with the blood clotting process when any injury or cut occurs in your body. In PRP, the amount of platelet is usually higher than the average amount of platelet in your blood.

Doctors collect your blood sample first and put it into a centrifuge to spin it at high speed to prepare PRP. The procedure help isolate platelet-rich plasma from other components of your blood – red blood cells, white blood cells, etc.

Finally, doctors reinject the solution into the injured area to facilitate healing. This relatively new treatment, PRP, is gradually gaining massive popularity in treating the intensity of your scars.

What Is PRP For Scars Reduction?

Scars are impactful – often devastating and distressing. Especially scare in visible places like your face, neck, arms, legs, or hands.

PRP For Scars And Stretch Marks

Scars’ primary effect is physical disfigurement. However, they often add to social embarrassment, psychological trauma, anxiety, depression, etc. PRP is a superb way to minimize the effect of scars on your skin.

PRP for stretch marks and scars therapy has been the talk-of-the-town for decades. The impressive anti-aging benefits of this process help rejuvenate your skin – remove your scars and improve the appearance of your stretch marks.

Platelet-Rich Plasma contains higher than normal platelets and growth factors that help heal wounds.

The growth factors promote collagen and elastin. These are two vital proteins facilitating healthy cells to grow in your scar. As a result, they no longer remain as visible as earlier.

On the other hand, the plasma contains nutrients and proteins, rejuvenating your skin cells at the cellular level. In addition, the anti-aging properties of PRP elevate your overall skin quality.

In short, Platelet-Rich Plasma provides the gift of great skin – plumper, younger, and glorious.

What Causes Scars?

Scars are a part of your healing process. Most wounds, except for the minor ones, more or less result in scarring on your skin.

When your injury goes deeper and injures the dermis, your skin’s inner and thicker layer, your skin encounters scars. Scars usually occur when your wound heals completely.

During the healing process of these deeper wounds, your cells produce collagen, your body’s naturally produced protein, that mends the injury rapidly. The new scar tissues have different textures and qualities than your injured area’s surrounding tissue – usually thicker and less flexible tissues.

Typically, scars occur due to acne, accidents, illness, burns, surgery, etc.

Different Kinds of Scars

You won’t find a person without having any scar on the body. Scars can be of various kinds – pitted, raised, or keloid. Most scars are flat and pale; however, your scar can be raised due to the amount of collagen production.

Before discussing how PRP treats the scars, let’s explore different scars.

Normal Fine Line Scars

Normal fine line scars usually appear after any surgeries and minor wound-like cuts.

After healing, the wound leaves raised lines that gradually fade and flatten with time. However, the mark doesn’t disappear completely. Often the scars are itchy.

Keloid Scars

In deeper wounds, your body produces more collagen to promote quick repair to your injury. The procedure results in tissue overgrowth that leads to a raised scar – appearing pink, red, or darker than the surrounding skin.

Sometimes, the tissue growth continues after healing, often causing pain and itchiness.

Hypertrophic Scars

Hypertrophic scars are thick raised scars. They appear due to abnormal and excess collagen production during wound healing.

The primary difference between hypertrophic and keloid scars is the expansion of the scar around the wounded area. The keloid scars can be large, extending beyond the injured area. However, hypertrophic scars stay within the affected area.

Pitted or Sunken Scars

Some scars result in sunken and pitted holes on your skin. These scars, which people also call atrophic scars, usually occur due to severe acne or skin conditions like chickenpox.

The primary reason for these scars is tissue loss during cell regeneration. They may also appear for injuries that result in fat loss in the injured area.

Stretch Marks

Scars often appear as stretched skin due to the rapid stretches of your skin – especially during pregnancy or in growth spurts.

Additionally, stretch marks may appear during healing when your skin is under tension, especially near a joint.

When Do You Need PRP Injections For Scars Treatment?

Most scars gradually fade and flatten overtimes, appearing less visible. However, some scars are there that remain visible forever. Moreover, if the scars’ position is your face, neck, or arm and affects your personal and professional life, your life becomes discontent.

It’s high time to solve your scar issue – PRP for scars therapy. Consider PRP injections for your scars if your scar conditions include-

  • Not fading much even after many years.
  • Difficulty covers or conceals a scar due to its visible location, odd shape, thickness, or length.
  • To avoid invasive cosmetic surgery to mend your affected skin.

How Does PRP For Scars Work?

Platelet-Rich Plasma contains proteins and nutrients that naturally heal your body inside out. These injections and micro-needling boost natural skin plump that heals scars gradually.

PRP injections treat scars by stimulating connective tissue cells that create new collagen. This new collagen produces new and healthy skin tissue around the injected area, replacing the damaged scar tissue.

In addition, the growth factors present in platelets also help regenerate tissue and new blood vessels. 

As your skin regenerates and rejuvenates in the affected area, replacing the previously damaged scar, your scars appear less noticeable.

However, where to find PRP, Los Angeles area especially? Contact PRP Treatment, Beverly Hills, to get a safe and smooth procedure with 100% result.

Consult for PRP Therapy with M.D. $450 
Apply Fee For Consult To Treatment Package 
Order of labs & imaging 
  • PRP Therapy Promotion Including Consult $1000 
  • Package Of 3 PRP Therapy Sessions, Includes Consultation +$2,700.00
  • 15 year experience providing PRP therapies 
  • 4 tubes of PRP used, Over 10 to 15 cc of PRP obtained 
  • 4 mixture numbing cream  
  • 6 injectors used for hair treatments
  • 15+ Years Experience 
PRP Treatment & Therapy Specialist Beverly Hills - David Nazarian

PRP For Scars Therapy

PRP has shown potential results in improving the appearance of scars and stretch marks.

Atrophic Scars

Atrophic scars cause visible scarring – pock-like areas with pitted holes on your skin. Usually, these scars develop as new skin tissue doesn’t grow there. Studies suggest that PRP aids in regenerating new skin tissue and improves the appearance of your scars.

Keloid Scars

A keloid scar often causes a large, raised, and wrinkled area with a significant expansion around the wound. These scars are hard to remove, even for PRP. However, the treatment can improve the appearance of the scar, making them less visible.

Hypertrophic Scars

PRP helps the wound healing process, improving the hypertrophic scars’ appearance. Primarily if doctors use PRP with laser, the scars’ shape, color, and texture improve prominently.

Stretch Marks

Stretch marks usually occur due to elasticity loss for an excess of cortisone. Doctors give PRP injections to your mostly-affected stretch marked area.

These injections inform your cell growth and make your elasticity stronger.

PRP for Scars Reduction: Procedure

PRP treatment is a walk-in-office procedure that starts with a doctor’s appointment. The entire process usually follows several steps.

  • At first, your healthcare provider will examine your unwanted scar. It’s a crucial step to determine the nature of your scars and the possible effectiveness of PRP.
  • The doctor will also evaluate your health condition, skin condition, and possible reaction before the procedure.
  • Your healthcare provider may also suggest you avoid blood-thinning medicines and smoking to prevent disruption in your natural healing process.
  • He will withdraw blood with the injection on the procedure day, usually from the arm.
  • Next, he will put the blood inside a centrifuge and spin at high speed to isolate platelet and plasma from other blood cells.
  • The PRP professional will extract the platelet-rich plasma to reinject it into your body.
  • Many often use a local anesthetic during scar therapy to avoid discomfort.
  • The entire procedure is relatively simple, usually taking only about 30 minutes.
  • Typically, there is no downtime after the procedure, and you can go back to your usual routine after the therapy. Doctors often suggest applying ice or taking over-the-counter pain relievers to avoid discomfort in the injected area.

When Can You Expect The Result

The result of PRP for scars therapy often depends on your scar condition. Usually, the effect becomes evident about three to four weeks after each session.

However, you may notice a prominently visible result after six months of your initial treatment.

Benefits Of PRP For Scars Therapy

PRP has impressive effects on minimizing your scars. The benefit of PRP include-

  • Healing your wound more quickly
  • Contains fewer or no side effects
  • Rejuvenating your skin
  • Boosting your mental state – inducing confidence and reducing depression and insecurities.
  • Promoting healthier, smoother, and younger skin.

Final Words

PRP for scars therapy is an excellent way to minimize your scars. With extra platelet and growth factors in your body, you can get healthy and attractive skin in six months.

Contact PRP Treatment, Beverly Hills, to combat your insecurities and rejuvenate your skin with PRP therapy. The expert and efficient team of doctors will provide safe and effective procedures to achieve your desired skin. Therefore, call today and schedule an appointment.

All You Need To Know About PRP Breast Lift: Before And After

Fuller shape, smoother skin, and increased cleavage and lift – the desired breast-dream every woman wants to meet. However, like your face, your body changes with age – so is your breast.

Age, pregnancy, breastfeeding, etc., often decrease the qualities of your breast – the shape, texture, and lift. Your cleavage wrinkles, shape collapses, and firmness decreases.

However, who can rescue the damsel in distress? – the syringe and the needle! Meet PRP breast lift. PRP breast lift is a non-surgical treatment – injections that use your natural growth factors to rejuvenate your breast.

Join us to know all about PRP breast lift before and after to unveil the beautiful you with a fuller, firmer, and smoother breast.

What Is Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)?

Platelet-Rich Plasma is a modern medical method of promoting your healing power, using your natural healing mechanism.

PRP usually deals with two elements of your blood- plasma, the liquid part of your blood, and the platelet. Platelets contain special protein – the growth factors that help boost your healing power and treat several conditions.

This modern treatment involves your blood sample to isolate platelet-rich plasma. Doctors put the collected blood samples inside a centrifuge for the isolation project.

After the isolation, doctors inject the isolated platelet-rich plasma back into your body. As a result, your growth factors and healing power increase immensely.

Consult for PRP Therapy with M.D. $450 
Apply Fee For Consult To Treatment Package 
Order of labs & imaging 
  • PRP Therapy Promotion Including Consult $1000 
  • Package Of 3 PRP Therapy Sessions, Includes Consultation +$2,700.00
  • 15 year experience providing PRP therapies 
  • 4 tubes of PRP used, Over 10 to 15 cc of PRP obtained 
  • 4 mixture numbing cream  
  • 6 injectors used for hair treatments
  • 15+ Years Experience 
PRP Treatment & Therapy Specialist Beverly Hills - David Nazarian

What Is PRP Breast Lift?

PRP breast lift, aka vampire breast lift, is a non-surgical procedure to rejuvenate your breast. This procedure is indeed an excellent invasive alternative if you don’t want or need surgery to augment your breast yet.

PRP Breast Lift Before and After

The process usually uses Platelet-Rich Plasma injections containing natural growth factors to enhance your breast’s tissue growth. As a result, you achieve a larger and fuller breast with improved bustlines.

With lifting your breast, PRP breast lift serves other services to your breast that include-

  • Lifting your inverted nipples
  • Improving your nipple sensation
  • Restoring irregular and hollow areas with a fuller shape
  • Minimizing wrinkles, scars, and stretch marks
  • Decreasing skin sag.

Do you know the best part of PRP breast lift? With this procedure, you win breast augmentation with no incision, scars, and a lengthy recovery period. It allows you smoothly slot the treatment in your hectic busy schedule.

Why Do You Need PRP Breast Lift?

“There is nothing permanent except change.”

Every human encounters constant changes in life. Your body, your face, your surroundings – everything about you changes. So is your breast – a part of the changeable you.

As you grow older, your breast doesn’t remain the same due to pregnancy or breastfeeding. The skin changes, wrinkles appear, firmness collapses, etc.

However, how to rejuvenate your breast? If you don’t want to go under the knife or your doctor didn’t prescribe surgery, a PRP breast lift is your ideal option for breast augmentation.

Doctors usually recommend the procedure to women with breast issue that includes-

  • Pale or gray skin due to less blood flow
  • Droopy, saggy, and collapsed breast
  • Abnormal nipple orientation
  • Inverted nipples
  • Loss of breast and nipple sensation
  • Crepe-paper and crinkling skin texture around your cleavage area
  • Wrinkled décolletage and cleavage

How Does A PRP Breast Lift Work?

PRP breast lift, in short, is a breast augmentation procedure that involves your natural growth factors to promote breast enhancement. However, to fully understand the work of PRP breast lift, you need to know the function of growth factors.

Growth factors are natural proteins that reside in your body. Growth factors primary role is promoting your cells and tissues’ growth, organization, and maintenance. In addition, they are vital for wound healing and skin repair.

Doctors extract growth factors and platelet-rich plasma from your blood in PRP breast lift and inject them into your body. These components act as natural biological mediators in your body that stimulate tissues rejuvenation.

Moreover, PRP and growth factors produce hyaluronic acid – synthesizing precursor cells. They accelerate your healing mechanism by repairing and making tissues. The protein synthesis and collagen resulting from PRP gradually lift your breast by forming new breast tissues.

PRP Breast Lift Before And After

PRP breast lift works expertly for your breast issues such as wrinkled cleavage, collapsing shape, or decreasing sensation due to age, pregnancy, or breastfeeding.

Therefore, consult a doctor if you experience any breast problem that makes you depressed and disappointed. Tell him what you want to obtain without hesitation.

Before starting PRP breast lift, doctors usually follow some procedures including-

  • Examine your breast thoroughly
  • Evaluate your medical history
  • Discuss your desired result
  • Plan your PRP breast lift procedure

Before the procedure, your provider will also suggest you stop certain medications, usually a week before the procedure – aspirin, anti-inflammatory, etc.

On the day of the procedure, it’s better to wear comfortable clothes and no jewelry. However, you may have to change into a hospital gown during the procedure.

After the procedure, most people don’t encounter any severe side effects. However, some common issues you may face after the PRP breast lift procedure include-

  • Swelling
  • Bruises
  • Itching
  • Tenderness
  • Redness

After the PRP procedure, you have a fuller and firmer breast with reduced wrinkles and scars and improved nipple sensation.

PRP Breast Lift Procedure

The process of PRP breast lift is simple – a walk-in-office procedure that requires very little of your time.

The procedure usually involves some steps.

  • After reaching your doctor’s office, you have to change into a hospital gown, especially removing your bra, before the procedure.
  • The physician then will apply topical anesthesia or numbing cream to your breast to decrease sensitivity. Numbing cream usually takes about 30 minutes to numb the body part. In the meantime, he will prepare your PRP injection.
  • Your physician will collect a blood sample from your body to make your PRP injection. Mostly, it’s your arm to be the preferred puncture point during blood collection.
  • Now, your physician will put the blood sample inside a centrifuge and spin it speedily. The process helps isolate platelet and plasma.
  • Finally, it’s time for your PRP injection.  Doctors usually use a thin needle throughout your breast area. Therefore, any pain or discomfort is barely noticeable.

The entire procedure usually takes less than an hour.

Doctors often use the PRP solution with hyaluronic acid to firm the breast area even more during the process. However, it usually depends on your breast dream and destination.

However, where to find a PRP breast lift near me?

If you think the same and searching for PRP Los Angeles, PRP Treatment, Beverly Hills is your ideal place. This premier PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma treatment facility treats various conditions utilizing Platelet Rich Plasma.

The Recovery Time After The PRP Breast Lift

Do you know the best part of PRP breast lift? There is no incision, downtime, or lengthy recovery period with this power-packed procedure.

In short, no recovery period for PRP breast lift. You can go back to the usual routine just after the procedure. However, you may feel the tiniest tenderness, itching, and swelling that usually resolves in two or three days.

Doctors also advise avoiding washing the area and using any product for at least 6 to 7 hours for maximum absorption. In addition, they will also restrict taking some medications – Aspirin, Advil, Aleve, corticosteroids, anti-inflammatory drugs, and ibuprofen. They may hamper a crucial part of the PRP procedure – the inflammatory phase of healing.

The Results Of A PRP Breast Lift

PRP breast lift is an effective procedure that uses natural growth factors to enhance your natural beauty. By stimulating growth, regenerating new tissue, and working at the stem cells level, the state-of-the-art process is best to rejuvenate your breast.

Immediately after the procedure, the slightest improvement is noticeable. However, it may take weeks or months to see the desired result; but you will notice gradual improvement throughout the procedure.

Each PRP procedure usually lasts for about nine months to 18 months. The improvements you obtain during this period include-

  • Fuller, voluminous, and firmer breast due to the new tissue formation
  • Reduced wrinkles, scars, and stretch marks
  • Smoother skin and texture
  • Proportional and even appearance
  • Improved breast and nipple sensation
  • Smooth ripples due to previous breast enhancement surgery
  • Even, proportionate, and lifted nipple

PRP Breast Lift Cost

The cost of the PRP breast lift procedure depends on the number of injections you need to reach your desired goal. Typically, each PRP treatment costs around $1100 to $2000.

Remember that PRP breast lift is a cosmetic procedure. Therefore, insurance won’t cover your cost. However, you can talk to your physician about payment plans to offset your costs.

PRP Breast Lift Benefits

The talk-of-the-town PRP breast lift is an effective way to rejuvenate your collapsed breast. The advantages or benefits of PRP breast lift are numerous.

  • The non-surgical procedure with minuscule invasive
  • Natural and safe with fewer complications
  • No use of general anesthesia
  • No downtime with shorter or no recovery period
  • Minimal pain and discomfort
  • Minimal side effects that resolve quickly
  • No need for many preliminary tests
  • No external filler; instead, the procedure stimulates your body to form new tissues 
  • No risk of infections
  • No incision marks or scars
  • The result lasts for several months with continuing improvement.

PRP Breast Lift Side Effects

PRP breast lift is a non-surgical procedure that involves minimal discomfort and side effects. According to the study, the common side effects people face include-

  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Bruises

However, talk to your provider if you notice the following after the procedure-

  • Bleeding
  • Extreme bruising
  • Prolonged swelling
  • Pain

Final Words

Breast enhance the natural beauty in a woman. However, a droopy and saggy breast can affect the peace of your mind and make you depressed and disappointed, worrying about your breast.

PRP breast lift is an excellent and effective way to enhance your natural beauty with your natural growth factors. As you know what the procedure includes, the cost, and PRP breast lift before and after factors, you can take your step to rejuvenate your breast.

PRP Treatment, Beverly Hills is a desirable destination for a woman like you having issues with breasts. The expert doctors and nurses are happy to assist in restoring yourself.