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PRP Under Eyes: How Long Does It Last?

If you’re looking for a solution for dark circles, puffiness, or fine lines under your eyes, Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy might have caught your attention. 

In the last few years, PRP treatments have become a popular skin treatment amongst celebrities and influencers. But one burning question remains – How long do the effects of PRP under-eye therapy last? 

You’re not alone in your curiosity. Many people, just like you, are eager to understand what they can expect from this innovative treatment. And my goal is to provide you with the right answers without overwhelming you. 

Hence, I selected today’s topic of discussion. So, without further ado, let’s discuss PRP under eye treatment and its longevity.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Under Eyes Treatment

PRP under eyes treatment involves using your own blood, which is processed to concentrate the platelets rich in growth factors, and then injecting it into the under-eye area. These growth factors stimulate collagen production and enhance skin repair, addressing issues like dark circles, fine lines, and puffiness. 

Many people are drawn to PRP because it uses the body’s own healing mechanisms, minimizing the risk of allergic reactions or side effects. A 2018 report agrees that PRP injections in the lower eye region are a safe, pain-free, and effective treatment option.

PRP Under Eyes: How Long Does It Last?

The effects of PRP can last anywhere from six months to a year, depending on factors such as skin type, age, and lifestyle. Unlike synthetic fillers, PRP works by stimulating your body’s natural collagen production, which means the improvements can be gradual but also more enduring. 

Many patients notice a significant reduction in dark circles and fine lines after just one session, with optimal results often visible after a series of treatments. Follow-up sessions may be necessary to maintain a youthful and refreshed look

Factors Affecting Longevity


Skin type and Condition

The state of your skin plays a crucial role in determining how long the effects of PRP therapy will last. You get more benefits from PRP Therapy when your skin is well-hydrated and in good condition.

On the flip side, if your skin feels dry or you have fine lines, you might need a little extra TLC to keep those results going strong. That’s why it’s crucial to know your skin and tackle any issues head-on before diving into PRP therapy. 

Here are some specific aspects of skin type and condition that can impact the effectiveness and durability of PRP treatments:


Well-hydrated skin responds better to PRP therapy. Moisture in the skin supports the healing process and enhances the rejuvenating effects of the treatment. Dry skin may require additional care and maintenance to achieve and sustain optimal results.


Skin with good elasticity tends to hold the benefits of PRP therapy longer. Elastic skin can better accommodate the new collagen and tissue regeneration stimulated by PRP. Conversely, skin that has lost elasticity may not retain the treatment’s effects as long.

Collagen Levels

PRP therapy works by stimulating collagen production. If your skin already has a good baseline level of collagen, it may respond to the treatment. If you have lower collagen levels, you might see shorter-lasting results and may benefit from supplementary treatments to boost collagen production.

Before you consider PRP therapy for your under eyes, it’s crucial to know your skin type and deal with any existing issues beforehand. Talking to a dermatologist or skincare can give you personalized tips to make your PRP results last longer.

Sun Exposure

Sun exposure is a major factor that can influence how long the effects of your PRP under-eye treatment last. The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays are notorious for breaking down collagen and elastin fibers in the skin, both of which are crucial for keeping your skin looking youthful and firm. 

Not only that, but the rays can undo the goodness of PRP therapy. Here’s a closer look at how too much sun can impact the results of your PRP therapy:

Collagen Breakdown

Exposure to UV radiation speeds up the degradation of collagen in your skin. Since PRP therapy aims to boost collagen production, excessive sun exposure can undermine the treatment’s benefits more quickly than you might expect.

Skin Damage

Spending a lot of time in the sun can cause various types of skin damage, including dark spots, fine lines, and other signs of aging. This damage can counteract the rejuvenating effects of PRP, making it harder to maintain a refreshed appearance.

To help your PRP treatment last longer, it’s essential to protect your skin from the sun. This means wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF, putting on sunglasses to shield the delicate skin around your eyes, and trying to stay out of direct sunlight during peak UV hours. 

By incorporating these sun protection habits into your daily routine, you can help ensure that your PRP results are long-lasting and your skin stays healthy and youthful.

Smoking Habit

Smoking isn’t just bad for your lungs—it’s also tough on your skin, especially if you’re considering PRP therapy for your under eyes. Here’s how smoking can sabotage your efforts:

Reduced Blood Flow

Smoking shrinks your blood vessels, which means less oxygen and fewer nutrients make their way to your skin. This slowdown in circulation hampers your skin’s ability to respond to PRP therapy, making it less effective.

Nutrient Depletion

Smoking also depletes your skin of essential nutrients like vitamin C, a key player in collagen production. With less of this vital nutrient, your skin may age prematurely, undoing the benefits of PRP.

Accelerated Aging

The chemicals in cigarette smoke speed up the aging process, leading to wrinkles, fine lines, and dull skin. These effects can counteract the rejuvenating effects of PRP therapy, making it harder to maintain a youthful appearance.

If you’re a smoker, cutting it down can do wonders for your skin and enhance the results of PRP therapy. By ditching cigarettes, you give your skin a better chance to heal and reap the full benefits of your treatment.

How Does PRP Work?

How Does PRP Work - PRP Treatment

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy works its magic through a combination of natural processes that promote skin rejuvenation and healing. Here’s a closer look at how PRP gets the job done:

Growth Factors in PRP Stimulate Collagen Production

At the heart of PRP therapy are the growth factors found in your own blood. When PRP is injected into the skin, these growth factors spring into action, signaling the body to ramp up collagen production. 

Collagen, often dubbed the “fountain of youth,” is responsible for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness. By stimulating collagen synthesis, PRP helps to minimize wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging, leaving your skin looking smoother and more youthful.

Improves Blood Flow and Skin Health in the Under-eye Area

In addition to boosting collagen production, PRP therapy also works wonders for improving blood flow and overall skin health in the delicate under-eye area. 

By enhancing blood circulation, PRP delivers vital nutrients and oxygen to the skin cells, promoting cell turnover and regeneration. This influx of nutrients helps to rejuvenate tired, dull-looking under-eye skin, reducing the appearance of dark circles and puffiness. 

Additionally, PRP stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid, a key component of healthy skin that helps to maintain moisture levels and promote a plump, hydrated complexion.

Final Words

PRP under-eye therapy offers a promising solution for those looking to rejuvenate the delicate skin around their eyes. While the effects are not permanent, understanding the factors that influence the longevity of PRP treatments can help you maximize your results and enjoy a more youthful appearance for longer. 

If you’re considering PRP under-eye therapy, consult us at PRP Treatment Beverly Hills. With the right approach, we can help you achieve and maintain the youthful look you desire.

If you have any questions or need further guidance on PRP under-eye treatments, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to support you on your journey to looking and feeling your best.

PRP Under Eyes Before And After Queries: FAQs Answered

Are you curious about the transformative effects of PRP treatments for those troublesome under-eye areas?

You’re not alone. Many of us constantly search for that magical remedy to rejuvenate our tired eyes and restore a youthful appearance. PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) therapy has emerged as a beacon of hope in this quest, promising remarkable before-and-after transformations. But with curiosity comes questions, and plenty of them.

In this comprehensive blog, we dive into the most pressing FAQs about PRP under-eye treatments, especially focusing on those intriguing before-and-after results. From understanding the basics of PRP to unraveling the mysteries of its effects, we’ve got your questions covered.

Whether you’re considering the treatment or simply fascinated by its potential, join us as we explore the ins and outs of PRP therapy and uncover what it truly has to offer for revitalizing those delicate under-eye areas. Let’s embark on this journey of discovery together!

PRP Under Eyes Before-and-After Specific FAQs

Addressing these specific before-and-after FAQs helps potential patients better understand what to expect from PRP under-eye treatments, allowing them to make informed decisions about pursuing this increasingly popular cosmetic procedure.

What Changes Can I Expect to See After PRP Under Eye Treatment?

The most noticeable change post-PRP treatment is reduced under-eye darkness and puffiness. Patients often report a more refreshed and rejuvenated appearance. The treatment aims to improve skin texture and tone, making the under-eye area appear brighter and more youthful.

How Long Before I See Results from PRP Under Eye Treatment?

Results can vary, but patients typically notice improvements within a few weeks after the treatment. The total effect of PRP therapy usually becomes evident after a couple of months as the body’s natural collagen production is stimulated, leading to gradual skin regeneration.

Are the Results of PRP Under Eye Treatment Permanent?

While PRP treatment can offer significant improvements, the results are not permanent. The longevity of the results depends on factors like age, skin type, and lifestyle. Maintenance treatments are often recommended to sustain the benefits.

Do I Need Multiple PRP Sessions for the Best Results?

Many patients achieve optimal results after a series of PRP sessions. The exact number of sessions varies depending on individual goals and the initial condition of the under-eye area. Your practitioner can provide a personalized treatment plan after assessing your specific needs.

Will There Be Any Immediate Visible Changes Right After the Treatment?

Immediately following the treatment, slight redness or swelling might occur, a normal part of the healing process. The initial visible changes are generally subtle, with more significant improvements appearing gradually over time as the skin heals and rejuvenates.

How Do Before-and-After Photos Accurately Represent PRP Under Eye Treatment Results?

Before-and-after photos provide a visual representation of the changes brought by PRP treatments. These photos are valuable for setting realistic expectations and showcasing the potential improvements in under-eye darkness, wrinkles, and overall skin quality.

Additional Considerations for PRP Under Eye Treatment

Considering these additional aspects of PRP under-eye treatment can help individuals make a well-informed decision and prepare adequately for the procedure, ensuring a positive experience and satisfying results.

Assessing Candidacy for PRP Treatment

Not everyone is an ideal candidate for PRP under-eye treatment. Factors such as overall health, skin condition, and the specific nature of the under-eye issues play a significant role in determining suitability. A consultation with a healthcare provider is essential to assess if PRP is the right option for you.

Understanding the Risks and Side Effects

While PRP treatment is generally safe, being aware of potential risks and side effects is crucial. These may include temporary swelling, bruising, or redness at the injection site.

Rarely, more severe side effects like infection or tissue damage could occur. Discussing these risks with your practitioner beforehand can help set realistic expectations.

The Importance of Choosing a Qualified Practitioner

The experience and skill of the practitioner performing the PRP treatment significantly impact the outcomes.

Choosing a qualified and experienced professional specializing in facial treatments is essential to ensure the highest safety standards and best results.

Cost Considerations

PRP treatments can vary in cost, depending on the provider and the number of sessions required.

It’s essential to consider the financial aspect and to understand that multiple sessions might be needed for optimal results. Some clinics offer payment plans or packages to make the treatment more accessible.

Lifestyle Factors Influencing Treatment Outcomes

Lifestyle choices can affect the results of PRP treatment.

Factors like smoking, alcohol consumption, diet, and sun exposure can impact the healing process and the longevity of the outcomes. Adopting a healthy lifestyle can enhance and prolong the benefits of the treatment.

Post-Treatment Care and Maintenance

Proper aftercare is crucial for maximizing the results of PRP treatment.

Following the practitioner’s guidelines on skincare, sun protection, and other aftercare instructions can help maintain the rejuvenated appearance of the under-eye area.

Side Effects of PRP for Dark Circles Treatment

Side Effects of PRP for Dark Circles Treatment - PRP Treatment

Being aware of the potential side effects of PRP and risks allows patients to make an informed decision about undergoing PRP treatment for dark circles.

It also underscores the importance of choosing an experienced and reputable practitioner to perform the procedure.

Potential Complications Caused by Injections or Blood Draws

While PRP treatment for dark circles is minimally invasive, it does involve injections and blood draws, which carry their own set of potential complications.

Patients may experience discomfort, bruising, or swelling at the blood draw site and the injection sites under the eyes. Though typically mild and temporary, these side effects can cause some inconvenience.

More significant reactions like hematoma (a localized collection of blood outside the blood vessels) or nerve injuries could occur in rare cases. Patients must discuss these risks with their healthcare provider to understand the full scope of potential complications.

Risk of Infection From Injection Treatments

Any procedure that involves injections also carries a risk of infection. While the risk is low with PRP treatments, as it uses the patient’s blood, it’s not non-existent.

Ensuring a qualified professional performs the treatment in a sterile environment is essential to minimize this risk.

After the procedure, following the aftercare instructions provided by the practitioner, such as keeping the injection sites clean and avoiding touching the area unnecessarily, can further reduce the risk of infection.


PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) therapy offers a promising solution for those seeking to address dark circles under the eyes. While the treatment is generally safe and effective, understanding the potential side effects and risks is crucial for anyone considering this option.

It’s important to acknowledge the possibility of discomfort, bruising, swelling, and a rare but real risk of infection associated with the injections and blood draws. These factors underscore the importance of seeking treatment from a qualified and experienced practitioner who adheres to the highest standards of safety and sterility.

Patients can make decisions that align with their health and cosmetic goals by being well-informed about the benefits and risks. PRP therapy, with its approach of using the body’s natural healing processes, is an attractive choice for those looking to rejuvenate and refresh their under-eye appearance, promising a brighter and more youthful look.

Long-Lasting or Fleeting? The Truth about PRP Under Eye Treatment Results

Have you ever caught your reflection and wished for a solution to those stubborn under-eye circles or wrinkles?

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) under-eye treatments have emerged as a promising answer. But how long do the results last? Are they long-lasting, or just a fleeting improvement? In the quest for a more youthful appearance, understanding the longevity of any treatment is crucial.

After all, when investing in your beauty and confidence, knowing if you’re making a long-term investment or a short-term fix is essential. This blog aims to answer just that, shedding light on the duration of PRP under-eye treatment results.

So, sit back and let’s delve into the fascinating world of PRP treatments and the truth about their results’ longevity.

PRP Under Eyes: How Long Does It Last?

If you’re contemplating PRP under eye treatments, one of the lingering questions is, “How long will the results last?” To answer this, let’s turn to what we know from medical studies and practitioner experiences.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) under-eye treatments leverage your body’s natural healing capabilities. The procedure involves injecting PRP – a component of your blood rich in growth factors – into the under-eye area.

These growth factors stimulate collagen production, an essential skin structure component. This process rejuvenates the skin, leading to a reduction in wrinkles and dark circles.

But how long do these results last? On average, many patients report noticeable improvement that lasts between nine to eighteen months post-treatment. However, remember that this is an average estimate.

The exact duration can vary between individuals due to several influencing factors, which we will explore in the next section.

One significant advantage of PRP treatments is that the results are gradual and natural-looking. Unlike treatments that deliver immediate but stark changes, PRP facilitates a subtle transformation over time. Many patients see improvements within a few weeks after their first treatment, with results peaking around three months post-treatment.

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Factors Affecting the Longevity of PRP Under Eye Results

While PRP under eye treatments offer generally long-lasting results, it’s important to remember that everyone’s skin and body react differently. Various factors can influence the longevity of your results, so it’s crucial to have realistic expectations.

Individual Skin Characteristics

Firstly, your skin characteristics play a pivotal role. Factors such as skin type, thickness, natural collagen production, and the severity of under-eye issues can all influence how long the results last.

For instance, if you naturally have thin skin with lower collagen levels, the effects might not last as long as those with thicker skin.

Lifestyle Factors

Believe it or not, your lifestyle can significantly impact the results’ duration. Habits like smoking or excessive sun exposure can accelerate skin aging and shorten the lifespan of PRP under-eye results.

Similarly, a balanced diet and adequate hydration, which support overall skin health, can help prolong the effects of the treatment.

Post-Treatment Skincare Routine

The way you care for your skin after the treatment is equally crucial. Ensuring adequate sun protection, maintaining a healthy skincare routine, and keeping your skin hydrated can help maximize and extend the benefits of the treatment.

Frequency of Treatment Sessions

Generally, a series of treatment sessions are recommended for optimum results. The more consistent you are with your treatments, the longer-lasting the results tend to be. The frequency depends on your personal goals and skin condition, which your practitioner can guide you on.

How to Prolong the Effects of PRP Under Eye Treatments

Having PRP under eye treatment is just one part of the puzzle. To ensure your results are both impressive and enduring, you should also consider some additional measures. Let’s explore some strategies to extend the lifespan of your PRP under eye treatment results.

Post-Treatment Care

Post-treatment care plays a significant role in optimizing the results. Following your practitioner’s instructions, such as avoiding sun exposure, intense workouts, or applying makeup immediately after the treatment, can prevent complications and maximize results.

Healthy Skin Care Routine

Healthy Skin Care Routine - PRP Treatment

A good skincare routine is an excellent ally for lasting results. This includes cleansing, moisturizing, and, most importantly, sun protection.

Applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily can protect the treated area from harmful UV rays, accelerating skin aging and shortening the lifespan of your PRP treatment results.

Lifestyle Modifications

Lifestyle choices like maintaining a balanced diet, staying well-hydrated, getting sufficient sleep, and avoiding smoking can all contribute to overall skin health and the longevity of treatment results.

Consuming a diet rich in vitamins A and C can support collagen production, complementing the effects of PRP.

Consistent Treatment Sessions

Consistency is key. Sticking to the recommended treatment schedule from your practitioner is crucial for sustained results. While some patients might see desired results after a single session, most need multiple sessions. Regular touch-ups help maintain and extend the results.

Complementary Treatments

PRP under-eye treatments can be combined with other skin care treatments like microdermabrasion or specific facials to enhance and prolong the results. Your practitioner can guide you about suitable complementary treatments based on your skin type and goals.

When Should You Consider a PRP Under Eye Touch-Up?

Now that we’ve covered what influences the longevity of your PRP under eye treatment and how to prolong it, you might wonder when it’s the right time to consider a touch-up.

PRP under eye touch-ups are typically recommended to maintain the results and continually stimulate collagen production.

Recognizing the Signs

The most common sign that it’s time for a touch-up is when you notice the initial under-eye concerns creeping back in. This could be an increased appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, or dark circles.

Since the results of PRP under eye treatments wear off gradually, these changes will be subtle and slow, not sudden.

Frequency of Touch-ups

The typical frequency of touch-ups depends mainly on the individual’s skin characteristics and how well they’ve maintained their post-treatment care and overall lifestyle.

On average, many practitioners recommend touch-up treatments every 12 to 18 months. However, your practitioner will provide a more precise timeline based on your situation.

Consultation with Your Practitioner

Always consult with your practitioner when you’re considering a touch-up. They can evaluate the current condition of your under-eye area and advise whether it’s the right time for a touch-up or if other treatments might be beneficial.


In this final section, let’s address some common questions people often have about the longevity of PRP under eye treatments. Understanding these will help clarify doubts or misconceptions and aid in making an informed decision.

Are the Results of PRP Under Eye Treatments Permanent?

While PRP under eye treatments provide long-lasting results, they are not permanent. The treatment stimulates your body’s natural collagen production, and over time, the rate of this production gradually returns to its original pace. Regular touch-ups help maintain the benefits.

Can I Speed Up the Results of PRP Under Eye Treatment?

PRP treatments leverage your body’s natural healing process, and this can’t be rushed. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and skincare routine can help optimize the results and ensure you see them as soon as possible.

Does age Affect the Longevity of PRP Under Eye Treatment Results?

Age can impact the results as the skin’s natural ability to produce collagen decreases. However, the PRP treatment stimulates collagen production; hence, even those with mature skin can see significant improvement.

How soon after my PRP Under Eye Treatment can I Return to my Regular Skincare Routine?

Typically, you can return to your regular skincare routine after 24 hours, but it’s essential to follow the specific instructions given by your practitioner. Some treatments or products may need to be avoided for a while post-treatment.

Can I wear Makeup after PRP Under Eye Treatment?

It’s usually recommended to wait at least 24 hours after your treatment before applying makeup. This allows your skin ample time to heal and absorb the full benefits of the treatment.


Embarking on a journey to brighter, healthier under-eye skin with PRP treatments can be exciting. Understanding the expected duration of results, factors affecting longevity, and strategies to maximize benefits will undoubtedly put you in a stronger position to make informed decisions.

Remember, while PRP treatments offer significant benefits, treatment consistency, post-care, and a healthy lifestyle play equally crucial roles in achieving the best results. Always consult with your practitioner regarding your unique needs and expectations.

With the right knowledge and care, you’re well on your way to enjoying long-lasting under-eye rejuvenation through PRP treatments.

Where To Find PRP Under Eyes Near Me For Eye Hollows, Dark Circles, And Bags

“The eye is the jewel of the body.”

It’s been rightly said that “eyes don’t just see; they can express too” – the window to your soul. Moreover, your eyes are often the first feature people notice.

How would that be if that window gets distracted due to under-eye issues like hollows or dark circles? Now that would be a bummer, wouldn’t it?

If you are looking for the best cure for your under-eye conditions, you are in luck! Today you will get to know about PRP under eye treatment which might be the thing you need.

PRP treatment is an effective, risk-free way to get rid of baggy eyes, dark circles, and more.

So, without further ado, let’s take a detour of this fascinating PRP under eyes treatment.

What Is PRP?

Before diving deeper into PRP for under eyes, let’s understand PRP and its work.

In short, the Platelet-rich plasma or PRP is a special type of treatment that injects platelets of one’s blood. The concentrated platelet is used to heal muscles, joints, tendons, etc.

The treatment uses an injection of concentrated plasma in your very own blood. It is a colorless liquid with a high concentration of platelets. It also includes fascinating growth factors.

The platelets counter the effect of any injuries or cuts by helping with the blood clotting. They also boost cell reproduction and trigger faster regeneration.

If you need a PRP injection, your doctor would first take your blood sample. Next, the separation of the platelets begins. The clinicians will use a machine, centrifuge. It will spin super fast and separate the blood’s fluid components.

Clinicians will use the machine to separate the platelets from your very blood. The platelets will then go through a concentration process, and you will have your platelet-rich plasma.

What Is PRP for Under Eyes Treatment?

Are you tired of dealing with the bags or hollows under your eyes? Is the worry about your dark circles causing itself to increase even more? Yes, that can happen!! Guess what, we have a solution. The PRP treatment can help you in this frustrating situation.

PRP treatment uses concentrated platelets for enhanced healing. The therapy can reduce the bags and hollows under your eyes, including dark circles.

The vampire facial*  treatment uses micro-needling with PRP. It boosts the reproduction of your cells and tissues. When you use PRP under your eyes, the healing ability and the growth factor come into action.

They can make your hollows or bags disappear to make your skin fresh and lively again.

So why worry anymore? Let’s get on with PRP treatment and get rid of those pesky under-eye issues.

PRP Under Eyes Near Me

When Do You Need PRP For Under Eyes Treatment

Eyes are a crucial part of your face to capture the spotlight. However, eyes with bags, hollows, or dark circles can drop your confidence and self-esteem.

Make-up can help you a bit; however, it’s not a proper solution to this pesky situation.

Many cosmetic treatments can get rid of your troubles – yes – but PRP treatment is a fascinating substitute if you don’t want any risky or scary method.

Consider PRP if you notice the following-

  • Under eyes pigmentation
  • Eye hollows with or without dark pigmentation
  • Fine lines, wrinkles, and poor under-eye texture
  • Eye bags
  • Loss of elasticity and firmness under your eyes

Microneedling PRP can rejuvenate the tissues at the place of application. So, using it under your eyes can help eliminate the dark circles, hollows, and even bags.

All you need is a vial of your blood, and clinicians can produce the PRP for you, stimulating the skin cells to repair and regain the fresh, natural glamor of your skin.

What Causes Under Eyes Issues: Eye Hollows, Dark Circles, And Bags

Dark circles, bags, and hollows are harmless but significantly lower your confidence. However, you need to know first how they appear to treat it.

Under-eye issues primarily occur as the skin cells tissues start to get weaker. The skin cells grow older and lose their liveliness as you grow older.

Baggy Eyes

Can you see mild swelling around your eyes? It’s baggy eyes. Many reasons cause the muscles around your eyes to swell up.

As you grow older, muscles below you, your eyes start sagging. The fat in your lower eyelid also starts to go downwards, causing the area to swell up.

Sometimes you can even have them genetically. In that case, things can get a bit difficult to resolve. Bags, in this case, can be long-lasting too.

Hollow Eyes

Aging and health issues are also the reasons for hollow or sunken eyes. If you have hollow eyes, this is most probably a result of your nutrients and the quality of your healthy living.

You might face sunken eyes at some point due to-

  • Lack of vitamins
  • Dehydration
  • Lower than average sleep
  • Allergies
  • Sinuses

Dark Circles

The dark circle is another common condition – as frustrating as the others. Dark circles are usually not a sign of medical complications. Instead, the most common reason behind it is tiredness.

Other causes may include-

  • Overstress
  • Lack of sleep
  • Dehydration
  • Genetical reason

How Does PRP for Under Eyes Work?

PRP treatment is an excellent solution for your under eyes issues. If you have baggy eyes, dark circles, swollen eyes, you are very close to curing them.

As the name suggests, platelet-rich plasma treatment uses concentrated plasma. It heals tissues and cells in specific areas.

The high concentration of platelets boosts your cell regeneration. It will speed up the growth of your blood vessel under your eyes and strengthen the collagens. The result is like the effect of a magic potion that will make your skin under the eyes youthful and fresh.

If you are frustrated with your eye issue, invest some time and research PRP under eyes reviews. The result will surely motivate you to start your PRP therapy soon.

PRP Treatment, Beverly Hills is an excellent place for your under eyes treatment, PRP, Los Angeles. The doctors are highly trained and expert, providing you with your desired result in no time.

PRP Under Eyes Near Me: Preparation, Procedure, And Result

PRP under eyes treatment usually follows some steps. However, before your procedure day, you need some preparation and precaution.

Let’s learn about the preparation, procedure, and result.


Like some other treatments, PRP therapy requires you to prepare beforehand. Your doctor would suggest some limitations on your diet and medications before the treatment.

Medication such as anti-muscle swallowing and blood-thinning supplements is common to avoid before the treatment. Avoid steroid intake as well.

Also, on the day of your treatment, be sure to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated and have a full, healthy breakfast.


On the day of your treatment, the clinic will collect a vial of your blood – typically from your arm.

They will put the collected blood in the centrifuge. The device spins your blood at high speed to isolate platelet from the other components of your blood.

They will collect the platelet-rich plasma from the container and use microinjections to inject the serum under the skin of your eyes.

To get the desirable result, doctors usually suggest having three to four sessions in three to four weeks. However, the number of sessions depends on your condition and the effect after each session.


The PRP will repair your skin cells and tissues and heal the annoying eye issues. Your skin will turn good as new and full of youth.

Generally, after two days, you should see the PRP take effect, But in some cases, it can take a couple of days longer. But you will get the benefits eventually and get rid of your eye condition.

The procedure will help you get-

  • Decreasing eye hollows
  • Reducing shadow and discoloration under your eyes
  • Restored volume.

Is PRP for Under Eyes Treatment Painful?

Your doctor will use micro-needling to inject the plasma below your eyes during the PRP treatment.

Did the word “micro-needling” give you a goosebump? Well, you can stay worry-free as the process is not painful at all.

Depending on the place that needs treatment, you might feel a bit of discomfort. But, as your doctor will use a special numbing cream, you will hardly feel a prick.

PRP Under Eyes Precaution and Downtime

PRP treatment for the under eyes procedure is painless; however, you will need a bit of downtime after the treatment.

After the process, you should avoid touching the treated area for about 6 hours. Within 1 to 2 days, you should be fully ready to return to your day-to-day busy life.

However, make sure to take care of your treated skin. Wash the area gently and avoid any exposure to sunlight.

PRP Under Eyes Side Effects

PRP is safer than other cosmetic surgeries and includes fewer side effects. As PRP contains your blood, there isn’t much of a risk.

But due to the procedure of microinjection, you may face some minor after-effects such as-

  • Minor itching
  • Mild irritation
  • A bit of bruising in the treated area.

Final Words

The platelet-rich plasma treatment is an efficient way to remove under-eye issues. Using the micro-needling process, doctors inject the platelet-rich plasma into your under-eye skin so that you can regain fresh and charming skin.

However, where to get PRP under eyes near me?

PRP Treatment, Beverly Hills, is your destination to get the desired result for your eye issues. Dr. David Nazarian and his expert team will provide you with the ideal procedure, evaluating your health, history, and the condition of your affected area. The personalized plan is perfectly suitable for you, and you will get sparkling eyes capturing everyone’s heart.

So why wait any further? Get the treatment and say adios to the pesky under eyes!


* vampire facial is a trademark of Dr. Charles Runles M.D. and this is for information purposes only